What’s with Weekend Television and mere mortals??? Don’t get me wrong, I aint a fan of the weekday television either, but since I don’t get to watch television during the week, and had to forcibly watch the idiot box, last weekend (thanks to a konked Cell - MP3 player and too much work to step out of the home!), I was subject to the same torture, in the name of ‘entertainment’ that my granny, mom and every other woman (and some men) have to go through for having nothing better to do on a weekend. Seriously, it makes you feel like watching TV is a crime or something… and I almost pity their state.
Here’s a look at what I saw on the telly last week…..
So, I tune to Star – and there was this Maha-boring Awards show, where everyone was ‘performing’ on stage, called IIFA or something, and trust me, I was only watching it with the hope of Sunny Paaji or Govinda dancing (come on, that’s more fun!). But, my hopes were dashed when Saif Ali chose to imitate Hrithik’s Dhoom Again (failing miserably!) However, I still would have suffered it all, when, they actually went ahead and gave a prize to Upen Patel (WAT!!!!)…. Too much, just too much… I couldn’t handle any more of this!!!
Here’s a look at what I saw on the telly last week…..

So, I tune to Star – and there was this Maha-boring Awards show, where everyone was ‘performing’ on stage, called IIFA or something, and trust me, I was only watching it with the hope of Sunny Paaji or Govinda dancing (come on, that’s more fun!). But, my hopes were dashed when Saif Ali chose to imitate Hrithik’s Dhoom Again (failing miserably!) However, I still would have suffered it all, when, they actually went ahead and gave a prize to Upen Patel (WAT!!!!)…. Too much, just too much… I couldn’t handle any more of this!!!
So, I switch to Star World… you can always count on them for some good shows, or so I thought! But what was I dished out…… ‘Getting gooey with gay boy’…. Or what they choose to call it, Koffee with Karan!!! Yea, so I like Konkona and Kunal Kapoor is definitely cute material, but not for heaven’s sake on GB’s show…. where all they would discuss is SRK!... sigh… and I switch again!
Zee…some crap… with some sidey types movie being played and all, deff no fun.
Switch to Sony… Salaam Namaste… the movie that gave my granny a near heart attack….no way hosey!!! (She was aghast that there could be a movie about two people living together without marriage… it was given the ‘WORSE MOVIE EVER’ tag by her in the first half itself)

So, I settled for Sahaara One… to watch something, I wouldn’t be found dead admitting to watch…. a Telugu movie dubbed in Hindi, of the great ‘Chiranjeevi’ called Inder or something…..Yea, the songs were garish and stupid, the movie made no sense, and yes, he hit out at 20 people all by himself, without getting hurt, but atleast I enjoyed myself, because that is what his movie was supposed to be, atleast it didn’t pretend to be a sophisticated chat show or a show of Hindi Movie Industry’s global acclaim…. both of which failed miserably!!!
Yea, and like partying heavily on Sunday’s, weekend telly viewing has its hangover effect too…. I found myself humming Shaka Laka Boom Boom on Monday morning (aaaa!!!) while trying to figure out, if suing the channels for torture was a wise option!!!
And before you dial for the asylum, trust me, I have sworn myself of weekend telly viewing forever!!!
P.S: BUT…… That 70’s Show is back!!! Monday’s 8:30 p.m. on Star World.......
One of the best shows ever!!!! Do watch it :)
Hi Rachana,
Just glanced through your blog...tis amazing!! For A moment i felt as if i was not reading ur blog but talking to u!! you pour ur soul into ur write ups... your honest n 'close to heart' articles are the once that touched me a lot...
keep writing..
Hi Rachana,
Just glanced through your blog...tis amazing!! For A moment i felt as if i was not reading ur blog but talking to u!! you pour ur soul into ur write ups... your honest n 'close to heart' articles are the once that touched me a lot...
keep writing..
Hi Rachana,
Just glanced through your blog...tis amazing!! For A moment i felt as if i was not reading ur blog but talking to u!! you pour ur soul into ur write ups... your honest n 'close to heart' articles are the once that touched me a lot...
keep writing..
AMAZINGGGGGGGG, OHHH ur command of the language is great, the topic is terrific and u ought to write for the TIMES OF INDIA :) Please be my English teacher 'yaaaarrr'.
Little do all the channels know what a certain Ms Rachana likes to watch :P
AMAZINGGGGGGGG, OHHH ur command of the language is great, the topic is terrific and u ought to write for the TIMES OF INDIA :) Please be my English teacher 'yaaaarrr'.
Little do all the channels know what a certain Ms Rachana likes to watch :P
AMAZINGGGGGGGG, OHHH ur command of the language is great, the topic is terrific and u ought to write for the TIMES OF INDIA :) Please be my English teacher 'yaaaarrr'.
Little do all the channels know what a certain Ms Rachana likes to watch :P
@ Purnima..... thx gal, liked ur blog too
hope u keep visiting! :)
@ Andy....
SHUT UP!!!! :P
u come to India, I will teach you English, Hindi, and even Swahili... :P
Keep commenting! :)
@ Purnima..... thx gal, liked ur blog too
hope u keep visiting! :)
@ Andy....
SHUT UP!!!! :P
u come to India, I will teach you English, Hindi, and even Swahili... :P
Keep commenting! :)
@ Purnima..... thx gal, liked ur blog too
hope u keep visiting! :)
@ Andy....
SHUT UP!!!! :P
u come to India, I will teach you English, Hindi, and even Swahili... :P
Keep commenting! :)
nice comments!! couldnt have written down my opinions any better!! :P and yeah i have nuthing better to do ...keep blogging ;)
love sakshi
nice comments!! couldnt have written down my opinions any better!! :P and yeah i have nuthing better to do ...keep blogging ;)
love sakshi
nice comments!! couldnt have written down my opinions any better!! :P and yeah i have nuthing better to do ...keep blogging ;)
love sakshi
Hey Rachana.. really nice blog... really loved reading it.
Hey Rachana.. really nice blog... really loved reading it.
Hey Rachana.. really nice blog... really loved reading it.
liked your review of sunday viewings. U write with a certain panache. keep it up.
liked your review of sunday viewings. U write with a certain panache. keep it up.
liked your review of sunday viewings. U write with a certain panache. keep it up.
Thanks all for your comments!!!
Thanks all for your comments!!!
Thanks all for your comments!!!
hehehehahahahaha! Chiranjeevi..hehe! that mv is ok rey, if u have seen the latest one (STALIN)..hehe! i tried to control my laughter in a theatre of chiru fans..hehe! he knocks out 2 lorry loads of outlaws..hehe!! man,you should admire such a stunt..hehe!!
Nice Blog!!
Kepth u on mhy blog loll thoo.. :D
hehehehahahahaha! Chiranjeevi..hehe! that mv is ok rey, if u have seen the latest one (STALIN)..hehe! i tried to control my laughter in a theatre of chiru fans..hehe! he knocks out 2 lorry loads of outlaws..hehe!! man,you should admire such a stunt..hehe!!
Nice Blog!!
Kepth u on mhy blog loll thoo.. :D
hehehehahahahaha! Chiranjeevi..hehe! that mv is ok rey, if u have seen the latest one (STALIN)..hehe! i tried to control my laughter in a theatre of chiru fans..hehe! he knocks out 2 lorry loads of outlaws..hehe!! man,you should admire such a stunt..hehe!!
Nice Blog!!
Kepth u on mhy blog loll thoo.. :D
ya TV viewing is a crime...in usa its worse...girls gone wild/jerry springer/howard stone etc etc...i never watch TV nowadays...its been 5yrs now!!!...
ya TV viewing is a crime...in usa its worse...girls gone wild/jerry springer/howard stone etc etc...i never watch TV nowadays...its been 5yrs now!!!...
ya TV viewing is a crime...in usa its worse...girls gone wild/jerry springer/howard stone etc etc...i never watch TV nowadays...its been 5yrs now!!!...
the trps wud soon fall if all of india did read this space...are we wasting time and energy...did someone say global warming??
keep writing
the trps wud soon fall if all of india did read this space...are we wasting time and energy...did someone say global warming??
keep writing
the trps wud soon fall if all of india did read this space...are we wasting time and energy...did someone say global warming??
keep writing
Hey nice one...loved the write up...but i feel the pic took the cake...cudnt stop laughin at daler paaji's balle balle action...lolz
Hey nice one...loved the write up...but i feel the pic took the cake...cudnt stop laughin at daler paaji's balle balle action...lolz
Hey nice one...loved the write up...but i feel the pic took the cake...cudnt stop laughin at daler paaji's balle balle action...lolz
hey rach....thts an amazing write -up....dint know u cud write tht well....im really proud of myself ....tht i cud teach u so well!!!;)....will make it a point to read ur blogs regularly now...sure thing!!
hey rach....thts an amazing write -up....dint know u cud write tht well....im really proud of myself ....tht i cud teach u so well!!!;)....will make it a point to read ur blogs regularly now...sure thing!!
hey rach....thts an amazing write -up....dint know u cud write tht well....im really proud of myself ....tht i cud teach u so well!!!;)....will make it a point to read ur blogs regularly now...sure thing!!
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