Feb 20, 2008

things about people that really really (really!) irk me...

- Being extra - friendly for no apparent reason
- acting apologetic and nice at the drop of a hat !! (focus on "acting" bit)
- thinking that we "lesser mortals" are born to serve them (or atleast keep listening to their stories!!)
- people who constantly complain (give me a break ... maybe the problem is actually U !!)


- people who act stupid to get away from doing anything ... ( hint: check the work place !!)

Now u know why the call me an anti-social ! hee hee hee

Feb 19, 2008

Prequeal to "The Post"

Sometimes, we very well set the trap for ourselves... and on this occassion, i must admit... the folly was completely mine!!

During a casual conversation with a friend, on recent blog posts, we both enjoyed reading ... we ended up suggesting "topics" for the other person to write about !! While my suggestion was happily accepted, my friend's suggestion left me with a dilemma!

The topic i was handed out was, to blog on "the complexities of modern relationships". While my first reaction was "lovely!!" ... i soon realised wat a trap i had set for myself... writing a post on such an open ended topic, especially when most of the readers of this blog (who undoubtedly i know well, by virtue of beings friends with !!) have an ADD (anything more than 4 lines is followed by a yawn :) !!

Yet, i guess its worth an attempt... and since i am not completely sure how well it would be accepted.. I write this prequeal *warning* all of what might actualy follow!!

So long then!! (Have to learn to start thinking again ;) )

Feb 4, 2008

Wishes for the New Years

Firstly, a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to ALL of you!! Nevermind that the first month of the year has already passed and all the new year hoopla has settled in! Yet, I want to wish all of you a very happy new year 2008!! :)

My wish may seem wierd, but this year did not exactly start on a great note (was a rather bad start, if i may say so!!). But things are just changing for the better and the future looks much brighter now, than it did on December 31, 2007, when i was wondering, if there was something to welcome for in the new year!! Little did i know, one month gone and i would already be on a life changing track! :)

The concept of new years has always bemused me. The festivities that mark the change in a digit of the year are always combined with starting the first day of the so-called-new-year with a hangover...LOL. Don't call me a cynic...yet! I enjoy the hype and hoopla, but what i don't understand is, why do we rejoice for a change in the date, when the actual reason for celebration should be a change in us or ur lives, in a positive way! I mean, just because we ushered in Jan 1, 2008 with a bang, does not mean it will be great for us all through, or if the new year's eve was disastrous enough to make us cringe, the whole year would be the same way too?....Would it?

For me the past year has been one of my BEST!... and for more reasons than one... be it the month long trip to Banglore, some amazing new friends and the experiences they got, the joy of getting somewhere in my career, enjoying the progress in my friends' lives and acquiring different skills in general... my growth satisfied me... and let me tell you, my last new year's eve was spent studying for an exam : :

Am looking forward to an exciting year ahead... and the chances of it getting exciting are pretty evident at the moment... Hope you have a great year ahead too! :)

And speaking of my friends... here's wishing Sakshi my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for her new assignment in Sydney... Hope to meet you there in June!! :D

My Best Wishes to both Neema and Roshni, who appear for the CET in a week's time.

My prayers with Riddhi .... who is nothing short of being a Union Leader in the waiting!! :D

My Best Wishes to my blogging friends: Ajan for his new job (which although related to somputers, has made him as distant from this world, as possible) ;
Purnima for her French Exam Results (may she keep learning those new french swear words...and passing them on!!) ;
Mithun for his ballet dancing assignments (Russian circus in Hyderabad, i last checked!!) ;
Shantala for WRITING something in her posts (she writes well...hehehe) and
Tejaswini (for finding a cell phone with Radio in it!!)....Keep Blogging guys, some exciting lives u lead!! :).... it's something i wish just gets better this year! :)

To rest all: Keep Smiling friends... have a great year ahead!!!

Cheers for now!