Jan 14, 2010

so far so good :)

I like my short breaks from society, the few times wherein I get off everyone’s heads and lives, to figure out my own existential quotient! And I wont lie, I have loved being out of sight! Loved being on my own, not bothering with everyone else’s schedule and priorities, understanding the very different layers to my own existence and being, figuring out what and who needs to be a priority to me, and who and what needs to go, living and experiencing what it is like, to JUST BE!

Basically wanted to make sure ‘that the noise of other people’s opinion, didn’t drown my inner voice’, in Steve Jobs words! :)

Usually the end of the year has always bought with it, its own share of de-cluttering activities, 2008 saw me completely removed off from everyone, holed up at home studying for the exams, and understanding relations and people. It also had me switching off my cell phone for a good two months! This time, however, the cell phone could not be off, since I was working, and I did make a habitual appearance on Facebook and on chat (shall be figuring out the ways of reducing it further soon), but over-all I made sure, I was in control of what I spent my time on. And I am happy with the results so far!

For starters, I have figured out the things I needed to do to make sure that I could pull off what was expected of me at work. It took me some time, a lot of patience and plenty of reading and discussing with people, who could help, to figure out the way out, but nothing beats the fact that I did find it out, and well, since the plan is currently in action... given myself till the end of January to figure out if the same needs any changes or any modifications. So all excited and gung-ho about it! :) :)

Currently focussing on the people and relationships in my life. Love what I have, couldn’t thank God enough for each person I have met, and who is in my life right now, but there are a few people and relationships which have outrun their course, and before things go bad, they need to be looked in to. It’s never going to be easy, but when you can’t avert it, you have to learn to accept it, right?!

Anyways, moving on to the other stuff that has been happening... I have been doing a couple of new things; basically the time after my birthday has been really wonderful! Tried my hand at ice-skating, and had a fun time with it, currently trying my hand at composing Haiku, though it’s making sense, am not too sure it’s blog-worthy yet... maybe some day, when they start making sense.... actually, the whole point of blogging, somewhat is losing it's importance in my life... but that's for another post...

Oh yea, and also started learning Sanskrit - the language of Gods, the most precise language of them all... it’s going at a very very slow pace, as of now, but atleast I started! :D ...

Next on the list is trying my hand at minimalism. Recently reading a couple of wonderful blogs like Celestine, Zen Habits, and Uncluttered, where I came across this concept of minimalist living. It seems promising, and I think it’s deffinately worth giving a try! Will come back and blog about how it is going, and if I actually started following it!

Loving my life right now, and thankfully living it my way!

So long then, Adios! :)

Oh, also two more things: a) Finally figured out HOW twitter works (thanks to Google Desktop widgets)... so i am on twitter at rach_kamat and

b) I think everyone needs to hop over to Gkam (see Gauri am not addressing you as G'ri :D :D), where she has some amazing Blog-a-ton posts and things like that, i think most of you would enjoy it! [YES, SHE PAID ME FOR THIS...]!