been almost a month since i posted something, and been over two months since i posted something that made sense...
its not like there is any dearth of topics for me to write... or i have been actually as busy or lazy as i appear to be...
there has been everything from 'absconding friends' to 'work mishaps' to 'unnoticeable adventures' happening ... while what they mean or what exactly happened, is another story altogether, what did not happen is the fact that i refused to gather the guts to write it down, to tell the people concerned, that yes i did get affected by what you did.... maybe some of them even did hurt me, and hurt me bad... but i somewhere could not stand up for myself!
what ever the case... its that time of the year to not only give back with a vengeance, but also to let go and move ahead... because better things might just be around the corner ;-)
Seasons Greetings
You'll pull through :)
You'll pull through :)
You'll pull through :)
Time heals rey..its not ok..but, it will be nearly nearly nearly ok..
Happy dappy diwali
Time heals rey..its not ok..but, it will be nearly nearly nearly ok..
Happy dappy diwali
Time heals rey..its not ok..but, it will be nearly nearly nearly ok..
Happy dappy diwali
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