AS AN ICE-CREAM.......You Are Rocky Road Ice Cream |
Unpredictable and wild, you know how to have fun.You're also a trendsetter who takes risks with new things.You know about the latest and greatest - and may have invented it! You are most compatible with vanilla ice cream. |
AS A DESSERT....You Are a Brownie |
Decadent and intense, you aren't for the weakhearted.Those who can deal with your strong flavor find out how sweet you really are. |
AND MY AHEM, AHEM...INTELLIGENCE.... (CONSIDERING, I HAVE ONE, IS...)Your Dominant Intelligence is Intrapersonal Intelligence |
 Reflective and thoughtful, you enjoy spending time alone.You are good at analyzing yourself - and knowing your true feelings.Totally self aware, you are in tune with your dreams and desires.A spiritual and philopsophical person, your inner calmness inspires and helps others. You would make a great philosopher, researcher, or theorist. You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament | Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected. It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well. At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment. |
okie, before i conclude wanna tell u all that the crazy website where u can do more such stuff is [ cant place a seperate link to each quiz, since my blogger is creating trouble for me].... go ahead and tell me ur own results :)
Well here are the results of the quizzes I took when I first discovered this:
1- Scary or not: Not scary
2- 16% cynical
3- 60% weird: So weird you hink you are normal :D
4- Colour needed in life: Green
5- X-men character: Storm
Well here are the results of the quizzes I took when I first discovered this:
1- Scary or not: Not scary
2- 16% cynical
3- 60% weird: So weird you hink you are normal :D
4- Colour needed in life: Green
5- X-men character: Storm
Well here are the results of the quizzes I took when I first discovered this:
1- Scary or not: Not scary
2- 16% cynical
3- 60% weird: So weird you hink you are normal :D
4- Colour needed in life: Green
5- X-men character: Storm
Well said.
Well said.
Well said.
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