But today, am going to write, something, anything, nothing!! Ofcourse, I am not making sense, but I am writing (I might need to see a doc after this).
Anyways, I watched a movie after a really long time today! Thanks to the strike and the absolutely pathetic movies releasing prior to the commencement of the strike, it had been quite a while since I set foot in a theatre! The last time I had entered a theatre, well, someone was still in India, someone was still alive, I hadn’t met a few people, and our house was nearing eight years of neglect and no-repair!

Anyways, the movie I saw was a sweet and a very typical ‘chick-flick’ called Bride Wars! Now, before you smirk and judge me, let me tell you, it’s the sort of movie I would secretly watch on Star Movies, and never admit it (heck, I just did!!), but I couldn’t have found a better movie to watch with my best friend! Also, it’s a very ‘in-the-right-frame-of-mind’ movie, if you are not feeling ‘girlie’ enough (don’t ask me what that’s to mean), this would be a bore, cardboard cut out of any other movie from the same genre!
Without giving away too much, let me tell you what the movie does have – two cute ‘best friends’, gorgeous almost-perfect boyfriends & secret lovers, and loads of emotional and funny moments* and thankfully, the movie DOESN’T HAVE is a vamp, a love triangle and unnecessary drama! A perfect watch for all you girls out there before you start your stressful and hectic week! And for heaven’s sake, leave the poor guys out of this one, because, they won’t have a clue what is so funny, when two friends meet to bitch about someone, or what is so touching when one of them decides to do something ‘awwwwww’ for another!
The movie has a simple message – some relations and friendships are forever, don’t let your ego get in the way, because you would be doing as much damage to yourself, as to the other person and the relation! Reminds my college professor’s words, which I cherish till date – is your friendship/ relation so frail and cheap that something so simple can break it? Alternatively, do think when you give something as much importance to let it affect your view and assumption on someone, if it’s all really worth it?... really, is it?
* applicable only for giggling girls...
oh, also, i know this post totally makes me sound like a dumb blonde, but let me tell you, the black's an original!
cool layout!
As I am a member of the 'Guy' species, I cannot relate to chick-click phenomenon :)
However, I've also del my FB account!
et tu, Brutus?
P.S. First time! hopped from Gkam! feel fry to drop by mine netime.
P.P.S Do get outta your writers block, read a few of ya posts, pretty neat stuff!
cool layout!
As I am a member of the 'Guy' species, I cannot relate to chick-click phenomenon :)
However, I've also del my FB account!
et tu, Brutus?
P.S. First time! hopped from Gkam! feel fry to drop by mine netime.
P.P.S Do get outta your writers block, read a few of ya posts, pretty neat stuff!
cool layout!
As I am a member of the 'Guy' species, I cannot relate to chick-click phenomenon :)
However, I've also del my FB account!
et tu, Brutus?
P.S. First time! hopped from Gkam! feel fry to drop by mine netime.
P.P.S Do get outta your writers block, read a few of ya posts, pretty neat stuff!
aah thats ok... chick-fliks ko chicks nahi jayenge toh kya roosters jayenge??
I'm planning to watch it with mah Beshht fraand, if she wanna watch it, that ees. and thanks for the positive review..i'll def go now. :D
aah thats ok... chick-fliks ko chicks nahi jayenge toh kya roosters jayenge??
I'm planning to watch it with mah Beshht fraand, if she wanna watch it, that ees. and thanks for the positive review..i'll def go now. :D
aah thats ok... chick-fliks ko chicks nahi jayenge toh kya roosters jayenge??
I'm planning to watch it with mah Beshht fraand, if she wanna watch it, that ees. and thanks for the positive review..i'll def go now. :D
I hereby formally disown you....
I hereby formally disown you....
I hereby formally disown you....
Who are you? and what have you done with rachana? :P
Who are you? and what have you done with rachana? :P
Who are you? and what have you done with rachana? :P
@ DP - thx for the compliments, u got a pretty neat thing going thr, too!
@ Purnima - suar, go ahead & check it out.... but don't blame me if u don't like it!!
@j - yeay!... finally my dream comes true :P :D
@Mithun - yes, my a/c too is hacked like urs :|
@ DP - thx for the compliments, u got a pretty neat thing going thr, too!
@ Purnima - suar, go ahead & check it out.... but don't blame me if u don't like it!!
@j - yeay!... finally my dream comes true :P :D
@Mithun - yes, my a/c too is hacked like urs :|
@ DP - thx for the compliments, u got a pretty neat thing going thr, too!
@ Purnima - suar, go ahead & check it out.... but don't blame me if u don't like it!!
@j - yeay!... finally my dream comes true :P :D
@Mithun - yes, my a/c too is hacked like urs :|
my account is not hacked...just coz somebody has my other email id and keeps publishing comments with it, doesnt mean that my account is hacked, does it? :P
my account is not hacked...just coz somebody has my other email id and keeps publishing comments with it, doesnt mean that my account is hacked, does it? :P
my account is not hacked...just coz somebody has my other email id and keeps publishing comments with it, doesnt mean that my account is hacked, does it? :P
i watch chick flicks too.
in fact, i also read chick lit! (tho not the M&B kinds...chick lit i can relate to!)
there are days when they can really lift my spirits!
i watch chick flicks too.
in fact, i also read chick lit! (tho not the M&B kinds...chick lit i can relate to!)
there are days when they can really lift my spirits!
i watch chick flicks too.
in fact, i also read chick lit! (tho not the M&B kinds...chick lit i can relate to!)
there are days when they can really lift my spirits!
Somebody's back!!!!! (uh ohhhhh)
hehe ..but pretty good stuff... glad ur outta the ^block^.. i look faarward to yuaar postwa!
And why the heck have u deleted social networking accounts?!! i thot u scored pretty good in accounts :P
sorry :|
Somebody's back!!!!! (uh ohhhhh)
hehe ..but pretty good stuff... glad ur outta the ^block^.. i look faarward to yuaar postwa!
And why the heck have u deleted social networking accounts?!! i thot u scored pretty good in accounts :P
sorry :|
Somebody's back!!!!! (uh ohhhhh)
hehe ..but pretty good stuff... glad ur outta the ^block^.. i look faarward to yuaar postwa!
And why the heck have u deleted social networking accounts?!! i thot u scored pretty good in accounts :P
sorry :|
Chick flicks neday are a charmer unless they are the sorority girls types. Too much pink on the screen gets on to my nerves, so do too many cheerleaders. :)
Writer's block is common ya, the key is to write even if ya don't make sense sometimes. btw, in this post, you were just fine. :)
Chick flicks neday are a charmer unless they are the sorority girls types. Too much pink on the screen gets on to my nerves, so do too many cheerleaders. :)
Writer's block is common ya, the key is to write even if ya don't make sense sometimes. btw, in this post, you were just fine. :)
Chick flicks neday are a charmer unless they are the sorority girls types. Too much pink on the screen gets on to my nerves, so do too many cheerleaders. :)
Writer's block is common ya, the key is to write even if ya don't make sense sometimes. btw, in this post, you were just fine. :)
Hey I loved Bride wars too..awesome movie :)
Hey I loved Bride wars too..awesome movie :)
Hey I loved Bride wars too..awesome movie :)
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